循环打开了好多个Fits文件读数据,然后突然提示“你打开太多文件啦”,后来就加了一行hdu.close(), 但是并没有什么乱用
所以,不是加一句hdu.close(),而是del hdu_data del hdu.data
fits文件太多的时候,用hdu = fits.open(fits_name,memmap=False)直接不存在mmap中
Say you have some code like:
The details may differ, but the qualitative point is that the data to many HDUs and/or FITS files are being accessed in a loop. This may result in an exception like:
As explained in the , because Astropy uses mmap by default to read the data in a FITS file, even if you correctly close a file with a handle is kept open to that file so that the memory-mapped data array can still be continued to be read transparently.
The way Numpy supports mmap is such that the file mapping is not closed until the overlying object has no references to it and is freed memory. However, when looping over a large number of files (or even just HDUs) rapidly, this may not happen immediately. Or in some cases if the HDU object persists, the data array attached to it may persist too. The easiest workaround is to manually delete the .data
attribute on the HDU object so that the reference is freed and the mmap can be closed:
In some extreme cases files are opened and closed fast enough that Python’s garbage collector does not free them (and hence free the file handles) often enough. To mitigate this your code can manually force a garbage collection by calling at the end of the loop.
In a future release it will be easier to automatically perform this sort of cleanup when closing FITS files, where needed.